Courageous Discomfort: How to Have Important, Brave, Life-Changing Conversations about Race and Racism
Authors: Shanterra McBride & Rosalind Wiseman
Description: An empowering handbook on how to have candid conversations around race and become a better advocate, written by a Black woman and a white woman who ask and answer 20 common, uncomfortable-but-critical questions about racism.
These 20 questions-as-chapters invite you into the conversation without judgment and inspire thoughtful reflection and discussion. There will be moments when you will laugh or cringe at the ridiculous or awkward things you read. But the truth is, there is no perfect solution or script for every maybe-racist, sort-of-racist, or blatantly racist situation. And that's OK: making mistakes is just an opportunity to do better next time. But doing this work will empower us to have the relationships we really want to have, including the relationship we want to have with ourselves.
Publisher: Chronicle Books
Author: Rosalind Wiseman
Pages : 256
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 978-1797215266